Laknu Kami lives in a remote, rural area of Jumla, western Nepal. She and her family of eight depend on the yearly agricultural harvest for survival. However, their land is small and food production is only viable for two to three months each year.
Each month Laknu meets with other women at an INF facilitated mothers’ group. The women are focused on the health and nutrition of their children. Just two months ago they began a growth monitoring action plan to see how their children were doing.
Laknu’s ten-month-old daughter Srijana weighed in at just five kgs. The mothers’ group leader referred Srijana to INF’s Child Nutrition Centre [CNC]. Laknu spoke with her family and agreed to take Srijana to the CNC. At the Centre she worked with INF staff, learning about how to make nutritious foods and how often to feed her daughter.
After a month at the Centre Srijana gained 1.5 kgs. She looked much healthier and was more active each day. Laknu is now able to share the knowledge she learnt at the CNC with other members of her mother’s group. She now feels confident she can give her daughter her full care and attention and is thankful to INF for all the help and support she has received.

Laknu Kami with her daughter

Laknu Kami with her daughter